Monday, August 10, 2009

All together now

Fellow Motropolans, Version 1.2 is almost ready for submission to Apple.

Updates for this version include General Chat as well as more visible players per island.

One of the challenges of running virtual worlds on iPhone and other mobile devices has always been seeing other users. Even though there are plenty of people on an island, you can't see or contact them because they aren't visible to you. Until now, we've divided users into 5 per island (viewable) based on iPhone's capabilities.

The engineers figured out a way to speed up the app to show up to 8 or more avatars per island (vs. just the 4 or 5 that you see now)...

Also, on a per island basis users will be able to chat with all other members of Motropolis who are also on that island regardless if they are in your group shard or not... Should make for some interesting conversations!

Lastly, A quick shout out to Psycho-Mantis for a really well thought-out review on the app-store. We are taking everyone's comments to heart and will do our best to answer all emails and communicate via the blog , twitter, Facebook etc.

1 comment:

  1. What would be good is knowing age as I am a user on motropolis as is my kids and knowing we are all safe from harm is
    a bonus on have seperate worlds to suit age groups.

    Maybe also a "support avatar" at the home island to automate your issues to relavent people.

    As positive feedback a very well done to you the developers for this... Nicely done!!!!

